Who we are
One Planet One People and Planned Acts of Kindness are 501c3 non-profit educational organizations founded by Lyle Benjamin to develop and implement groundbreaking, transformative collaborative action-based programs and initiatives to push back on the global issues that adversely affect Quality of Life of Kids, People and the Planet.

Who we are
One Planet One People and Planned Acts of Kindness are 501c3 non-profit educational organizations founded by Lyle Benjamin to develop and implement groundbreaking, transformative collaborative action-based programs and initiatives to push back on the global issues that adversely affect Quality of Life of Kids, People and the Planet.
One Planet One People
One Planet One People’s Mission is to Develop and Promote the Collaborative Programs, Initiatives, and Systems needed to Push Back on the Tipping Point Issues of Climate Change, Pollution, Pandemics, War, as well as Social, Economic, and Health Inequalities on a Local to Global Scale that threaten Quality of Life for Kids, People, and The Planet.
Planned Acts of Kindness
PLANNED ACTS OF KINDNESS is a Global Social Responsibility Platform that works with five groups of people — students, employees, owners, retirees, and the unemployed — in collaboration with five institutions — schools, churches/temples, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and businesses — to provide education and action plans to help solve global issues and provide better Quality of Life for all.
One Planet One People
One Planet One People’s Mission is to Develop and Promote the Collaborative Programs, Initiatives, and Systems needed to Push Back on the Tipping Point Issues of Climate Change, Pollution, Pandemics, War, as well as Social, Economic, and Health Inequalities on a Local to Global Scale that threaten Quality of Life for Kids, People, and The Planet.
Planned Acts of Kindness
PLANNED ACTS OF KINDNESS is a Global Social Responsibility Platform that works with five groups of people — students, employees, owners, retirees, and the unemployed — in collaboration with five institutions — schools, churches/temples, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and businesses — to provide education and action plans to help solve global issues and provide better Quality of Life for all.
Campaigns & Challenges
Youth Programs
Campaigns & Challenges
Youth Programs
Work/life balance & quality of life

Work/life balance & quality of life

“We are at the tipping point for humanity. This decade will determine the Quality-of-Life for billions of people on the planet. The time for division is over. The fractional approach to solving global issues doesn’t work. We must collaborate to succeed. We must collaborate to survive.”
— Lyle Benjamin

“Instruction & Guidance from the Source” — Author & Educator, Lyle Benjamin